5 Signs You’re Suffering from Work Martyrdom
If you’re like many employees, then you devote a lot of time and energy to what you do — but it’s worth it.
Those projects just couldn’t get done without your expertise.
Is Your Boss Abusive or Invalidating? – Here’s How to Tell
Everyone has had at least one awful boss in their lives.There’s the supervisor so awkward, having any interaction with them is painful. Or, consider the boss that never cuts you a break.
How to Handle Implicit Bias at Work
It can be hard to pinpoint implicit bias at first. After all, it’s not always obvious. Instead, it lies under the surface.Implicit bias is so powerful that it can influence decisions and affect interactions at work.
3 Possible Reasons Why You’re Not Advancing at Work
If you’re like many people, you’ve probably been at your job now for a while. Yet, you might feel stuck in place. Other colleagues might be moving up the ladder, but you are still in the same position as when you first started with the company.
How to Achieve Work/Life Balance for NYC Professionals
The concept of work/life balance can seem like a pipedream, especially if you are a busy professional in NYC.You are constantly on the go, from the moment you wake up to when you finally get to bed—which, is probably the following morning.
Imposter Syndrome in Gay Men – Are We at Higher Risk?
For one reason or another, you decided that “passing” was more acceptable than owning who you truly are.Perhaps it was to feel safer at work or in your personal life. Or, you are not ready to disclose that part of yourself.
How Being a Gay Man Impacts Your Leadership Roles
There’s a good chance that you’ve worked hard for years at your company and have experienced some success. It’s possible you felt that all the effort paid off when you were promoted to a managerial role—in which you excelled, no doubt.
How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome – 5 Tips
Have you ever been sitting at your desk at work unable to focus on your to-do list for the day?Instead of making progress on a project, you find yourself plagued with self-doubt. The feeling is so intense that it paralyzes you, rendering you unable to move forward with simple, daily tasks.
Preparing for a Career Transition? – How to Successfully Make the Leap
After months of considering a career change, now might just be the right time.It’s great that you’re willing to try something new or to turn your part-time passion into your life’s work. Lots of people are doing it, so you’re in good company.Yet, there’s still so much to learn and take into account when making the leap. Of course, you want to be able to make a living.