Brian Norton Therapy & Executive Coaching, LLC

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Preparing for a Career Transition? – How to Successfully Make the Leap

After months of considering a career change, now might just be the right time.It’s great that you’re willing to try something new or to turn your part-time passion into your life’s work. Lots of people are doing it, so you’re in good company.Yet, there’s still so much to learn and take into account when making the leap. Of course, you want to be able to make a living. However, there are many other aspects of your life that need to be considered when preparing for a career transition.

Create Goals for Yourself

When preparing for a career transition, think about what it is you want to do or accomplish. Do you want to be an outdoors guide or open a bakery?The possibilities are endless which is why it’s important to narrow your focus. Even if you have some idea of what you want to do, try to refine that vision by pulling from your core values.Break it down into manageable steps for what you need to accomplish in order to get started, such as:

  • Take a class or training

  • Locating and securing property to open a shop or business

  • Acquiring tools or equipment that you will need

  • Financial backing, if necessary

Creating a step-by-step process for yourself makes it easier to be able to fulfill your vision.

Establish a Timetable

Once you have set your goals, establish a timetable for yourself.For instance, let’s say that you want to open a small business. You’ve already established the benchmarks, now you need to set a timeframe. This could look like setting a three-month timeframe for writing a business plan, and six months or more for finding a business location and securing a loan. You get the idea.Doing this will help to create more structure for yourself and sets tasks in a logical order.

Get Your Affairs Set

It’s likely that you are making these plans while still working in another field. That’s smart—you can build-up while still maintaining your current income.However, there will hopefully be a time when you can walk away from your 9-5 job to pursue your passion. Therefore, you need to make sure to have your affairs set in order.Financial matters will, of course, be at the top of the list. If you still have a mortgage to pay or kids who are in college, making a career switch could impact those commitments.Also, there are personal affairs to consider. Have you talked this over with your family and partner? Do you have their support?It’s easier to set out on a new journey knowing that you have the support and encouragement of those closest to you.

Be Willing To Ask for Help

As mentioned above, many people have been in your shoes and made a career transition. Seek out that knowledge and ask for help.This will help you avoid making some of the same mistakes others have made. Also, it increases your chance of success. There are plenty of articles and websites filled with career-switch stories.Also, look into special-interest groups and associations that are aligned with your interests and what you want to accomplish.

When You’re Ready, Make Your Move!

Finally, when you think you’re ready, make your move! It’s all fine and good to do the planning or even dabble on your downtime. However, when it comes time to commit, do so when you are ready and confident in the path you’re taking.Don’t let anyone else pressure you or be influenced by outside forces. When you’re ready, you’ll know it. Then, embrace the transition with open arms and see where this new path takes you!—The idea of making a career transition is both exciting and intimidating at the same time. By creating a process for yourself and utilizing your resources, you’ll have a better shot at making your dream a reality.If you’d like support as you prepare for a career transition, please contact me today. Career counseling can help you make your move feeling knowledgable and confident that you’re ready for this next step.