Here’s What to Look for in a Business Consultant for Your Management Team
You know that your management team needs help.Things have been rocky at the office lately with interpersonal conflicts involving members of your team. Also, it feels that your organization is off-track and lacking focus.This is much different than a year ago when everything seemed to be going smoothly. When questioning what happened and how to fix it, most people turn to a business consultant. After all, a business consultant can be a great resource to help your business get back on track.However, when researching who to work with, it’s important to know which qualities to look for. With that in mind, consider these ideas.
Panorama Vision
One important quality of a business consultant is having the ability to take in and assess the big picture with your management team.They should be able to determine how the team is doing, at what level they are performing, and where they are lacking.When you talk to a prospective consultant, ask which tools or strategies they use in their assessment process.Remember, your team doesn’t need somebody to swoop in and just start giving advice. Rather, they will require a consultant who does their homework and seeks to understand your team, individual members, and the vision of your business.
Excellent Conflict Resolution
Furthermore, your business consultant should have strong conflict resolution skills.A common problem for management teams is conflict between individual team members. Moreover, personal and professional issues often overlap.For example, one team member is frustrated over another’s inability to communicate effectively. They are not only frustrated with that member’s work performance but also attach labels to that person that make things personal.A skilled business consultant can work to identify and sort out these conflicts without getting lost in the muck, per se.
Focus on Purpose
Another problem that plagues upper management teams is confusion over what they are supposed to be doing in the first place.There are two ways this can arise:
Misunderstanding or loss of focus in the original vision of the company. Perhaps that was clear at the beginning, but now leaders/team members have lost the vision amidst growth and expansion.
A lack of defined roles for individuals. This creates overlap and can be a source of conflict.
Clearly, the first issue involves the “big picture” while the other involves how your team fits into that larger vision.If team members don’t understand their own roles and responsibilities, or they overlap with one another, it can cause confusion. This, in turn, makes it more difficult to understand or achieve the initial vision of the company.
Positive Motivation
Oftentimes, people attach a stigma to outside consultants. The perception is frequently that they are there only to criticize what the team is doing wrong. It’s not uncommon for team members to view a business consultant as an annoyance or roadblock.Still, part of a consultant’s role is to provide feedback about team performance. It often takes an outsider’s perspective to bring awareness to issues that your organization may not realize exist.However, a skilled business consultant should also be able to help team members feel more at ease. The consultant’s job is to help the team function better and more effectively, motivating them to rally together.A business consultant should bolster your team dynamics, not hinder workflow.—It can be difficult to admit that you need help. However, with so many moving parts, your executive team needs support.When you work with a business consultant, the above qualities are what you want to see. Offering solid support, they should help your team and your organization to be more effective.If you’re ready to end your search for a top-notch business consultant and management team consulting, contact me today.